2Ti 3:1 You can be certain that in the last days there will be some very hard times.
You can be certain,…. That not only men of bad principles and practices are in the churches now, as before described in the preceding chapter, but that in succeeding ages there would be worse men, if possible, and the times would be still worse; this the apostle had, and delivered by a spirit of prophecy, and informed Timothy, and others of it, that he and they might be prepared for such events, and fortified against them:
In the last days — Of this age. In the harvest, or end of the Gospel age. In the very end of the age. In the close of the present age before the dawning of the new dispensation. We are now living in the very time referred to by the Apostle.
“Now the Spirit speaketh expressly that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith.” (1Ti_4:1) Therefore we need to be fully established in the faith, and able to fully trust the Lord. R5678:5
Perilous times — At the time of our Lord’s second coming the world will be far from converted to God. Better, ‘grievous.’ The idea is that of distress rather than danger, due largely to the evil spirits, just as in the days of Noah.
Do you believe this prophecy?
What is your reaction to this? How will you guard yourself against these “hard”, “difficult” or “perilous” times?
2Ti 3:2 People will love only themselves and money. They will be proud, stuck-up, rude, and disobedient to their parents. They will also be ungrateful, godless,
For men shall be lovers of their own selves,…. Not in a good sense, as men may be, and as such are who love their neighbors as themselves, and do that to others they would have done to themselves; and who take care to preserve the life and health of their bodies, but in a bad sense, as such may be said to be, who only love themselves; their love to God, and Christ, and to the saints, being only in pretense, not in reality; and who do all they do in a religious way, from a principle of self-love, and to selfish and mercenary ends; either to gain glory and applause from men, or to merit something for themselves at the hands of God, without any view to the glory of God, the honor and interest of Christ, and the good of others; and ascribe all they have and do to themselves, to their industry, diligence, power, free will, worth, and merit, and not to the grace of God: and this character may be seen in the principles and practices of the church of Rome.
Boasters; As though the credit of the truth was in some way due to them, and as though they had a right therefore to alter and amend it at their pleasure. Vain glorious: self-assuming; valuing themselves beyond all others.
Proud; Airy, light, trifling persons; those who love to make a show, kind of like TV evangelists and those that have ministries of their own names, instead of for the Lord.
Blasphemers; Those who speak impiously of God and sacred things, and injuriously of men. — Railers. Greek, blasphemos, one speaking injuriously, or an evil-speaker. Misrepresenters of God’s plan and character, and slanderers of one another. Evil speakers against the doctrine of Christ and those who believe and teach it. God’s character is blasphemed by attributing to Him evil deeds, evil motives, and evil purposes.
Disobedient — Greek, apeithes, not persuaded, not of the same mind as.
To parents — And higher authority in general. In our day the divinely arranged family order seems to be entirely lost sight of with the great majority. Disrespect for the experiences and advice of parents and seniors.
Lack of reverence for parents leads on to that careless condition which fears not God, neither regards man, in its selfish wayward course. Not sufficient time is given to instructing youth respecting the necessity for law and order.
Unthankful — Lacking gratitude to God and man; attributing prosperity to one’s own ability or luck.
Unholy — Not fully consecrated to the Lord. Greek, anosios, unkind.
This is a long list of problems that will occur in the Church, causing problems for the sincere Christian. First make sure none of these sins are attached to you and then think about your church and note whether these sins are plaguing your fellowship.
The list will continue as we study the next few verses, but when we get to verse 5, the Apostle tells us to stay away from these kind of people.
Do you have the courage to speak out against any of these sins in your fellowship?
Do you have the courage to stay away from these types of people?
Do you have the courage to leave if this is the teaching element in your congregation?
2Ti 3:3 heartless, and hateful. Their words will be cruel, and they will have no self-control or pity. These people will hate everything that is good.
Without natural affections, unfeeling, heartless — It is not the work of true Christianity to destroy the natural affections, but rather to deepen them and lift them to a higher plane.
This Bible version uses “hateful”, others “hostile”, “unforgiving”, the King James uses “Trucebreakers” — Greek, aspondos, irreconcilable, implacable, stubborn, constant in enmity. An unwillingness to make a truce, or to live in harmony and abandon hostilities. The same word in Rom_1:31, is rendered “implacable. It may thus refer to those who are unwilling to enter into any agreement; that is, either those who are unwilling to be reconciled to others when there is a variance – implacable; or those who disregard treaties or agreements. In either case, this marks a very corrupt condition of society. Nothing would be more indicative of the lowest state of degradation, than that in which all compacts and agreements were utterly disregarded.
The word for ‘unforgiving,’ means ‘unwilling to make a truce,’ the opposite of ‘peacemakers,’ Mat_5:9.
Another commentary gives this thought: loosing the marriage bond between husband and wife; making void all oaths, contracts, and agreements, among men, which stand in the way of their designs
False accusers — Willing to accuse enemies falsely, even when the charges are known to be false. This surely indicates a very evil condition of heart. Slanderers. Enticers to strife. False accusers; or devils, being like Satan, the accuser of the brethren, charging all that depart from their communion with schism and heresy. Margin, “makebates.” The word “makebate” means one who excites contentions and quarrels.
Incontinent — Greek, akrates, without self-control, rash, impulsive. Not under restraint; impetuous. 1Co_7:5. Literally, “without strength;” that is, without strength to resist the solicitations of passion, or who readily yield to it.
Fierce – The Greek word used here does not elsewhere occur in the New Testament. It means “ungentle, harsh, severe,” and is the opposite of gentleness and mildness. Religion produces gentleness; the want of it makes men rough, harsh, cruel; compare 2Ti_2:24.
Despisers of — Greek, aphilagathos, not friendly to the good.
Those that are good — Who hold fast the truth in righteousness.
Verse 2 seemed to me like a list of more obvious and blatant behaviors, but some in verse 3 may hit closer to home. The commentators on these verses offer a variety of definitions as seen above, we will look at some of them.
Truce-breakers, covenant-breakers, unforgiving: Are you willing to make a truce—forgive those who have wronged you? Do you keep bringing up someone’s past when you said you forgave them?
False accusers, slanderers, strife makers: In our disagreements with others or problems with others—do we bring other people into it? Do we cause people to take sides? Or do we go to the person we have problems with alone and try to make a truce or solve the problem?
Incontinent, rash, impulsive, no self-control: Aren’t we all guilty of this at some point and time? How often do we have this problem?
Despisers of those that are good: Do we look at others and think they are “too good” “too strict” and maybe think they are “fanatical”? Are they? Or do we want to hold on to some of the “world” in our lives?
2Ti 3:4 They will be sneaky, reckless, and puffed up with pride. Instead of loving God, they will love pleasure.
Traitors, sneaky — Cannot be trusted; would sell out their best friends for selfish considerations.
False accusers. Ready to break contracts whenever it can be done profitably. Persons controlled by the selfish spirit can never be trusted.
Heady — Head-strong; full of self-will; not subject to the mind of Christ. The same word in Act_19:36, is rendered rashly. It occurs only there and in this place in the New Testament. It properly means “falling forwards; prone, inclined, ready to do anything; then precipitate, headlong, rash.” It is opposed to that which is deliberate and calm, and here means that men would be ready to do anything without deliberation, or concern for the consequences
High-minded — Puffed up. Having a high opinion of their own talents. “Every man that is among you [ought] not think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think soberly.” (Rom_12:3)
Lovers of pleasure — The world’s pleasures and honors. Pleasure is their aim in life. This has been, and is, the characteristic of a great part of the world, and has often distinguished even many who profess religion.
Than lovers of God — Preferring their own wills to the will of God.
God’s Spirit and His Word are to transform us into His image and to renew our minds (Rom. 12:1, 3). These may have been problems we had to deal with when we came to Christ but should have outgrown them. If these were your sins that burdened you, have you grown out of them?
Do you neglect studying the Word or fellowship with brethren because you are “lovers of pleasure”? Do you choose a ball game over church? Do you choose a birthday party or some other party over church? If you do, maybe you need to reconsider what you love more.
Heady or rash—the commentary says “ready to do anything” –which isn’t necessarily a bad trait, but it needs to be tempered with prayer and with the Mind of Christ. I am a “ready to do anything” type of person but keep these ventures or adventures in prayer and ask the Lord’s guidance. Maybe you do too.
Traitors, sneaky—Nobody like a traitor—what are some ways that we can sell out our brethren and maybe not realize we are traitors?
2Ti 3:5 Even though they will make a show of being religious, their religion won’t be real. Don’t have anything to do with such people.
A form of godliness — Being great sticklers for days, forms, ceremonies and ecclesiastical authorities. This form of godliness has spread to such an extent that the whole world is styled Christendom–Christ’s Kingdom.
Outwardly Christians, but inwardly skeptics, covetous, extortionate, unjust. Tares. Which if possible would deceive the very elect
But denying — By their course in life. Walking contrary to godliness. Opposing the real power of religion; not allowing it to exert any influence in their lives. It imposes no restraint on their passions and carnal propensities, but in all respects, except in the form of religion, they live as if they had None.
The power — The only power by which any of the fallen race can be reckoned godly or righteous in God’s sight is the precious blood of Christ which cleanses us from all sin.
From such turn away — False brethren. “Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.” (Eph_5:11)
From such turn away – not only do not imitate them, but have no kind of fellowship with them; they are a dangerous people, and but seldom suspected, because their outside is fair.
Paul tells us that those that practice this long list of sinful behaviors are tares, pretenders and to stay away from them. Can you agree with him?
Can you break off contact to those who act like this? If not, is fear holding you back?
(Weymouth) Among them are included the men who make their way into private houses and carry off weak women as their prisoners–women who, weighed down by the burden of their sins, are led by ever-changing caprice,
(Williams) For some of them practice going into people’s houses and capturing weak and silly women who are overwhelmed with the weight of their sins, who are easily led about by all sorts of evil impulses,
For of this sort are they which creep into houses,…. Privily and unawares, in a clandestine manner, and insinuate themselves into families, by fawning and flattering, and under specious pretenses to knowledge and virtue. The Syriac version uses a word, from whence comes חולדא, “Chulda”, which signifies “a weasel”; suggesting, that their entrance into houses was like to the way of that creature, which is sometimes covered, and sometimes open: there was also a gate of the temple, which was called “Huldah”; whether there is any allusion in the word to that, may be inquired (k).
And lead captive silly women; the coming of antichrist is after the working of Satan; as Satan attacked the woman, and not the man, and beguiled Eve and not Adam, so these his instruments and emissaries, work themselves into the affections of the weaker vessel, and into the weaker sort of women, as the diminutive word here used signifies; and gain upon them, instill their principles into them, attach them to their interests, captivate them to them, and lead them as they please:
laden with sins; covered with them, full of them, and so ready to receive any set of principles that would encourage them to continue in them; or else were pressed down with a sense of them, their consciences being awakened, and they under some concern on account of them, and so fit persons for such deceivers to gain upon, by pretending to great sanctity and religion, and by providing them with pardons and indulgences, and putting them upon penance, &c. though the former sense seems most agreeable, and is confirmed by what follows,
led away with divers lusts. The Alexandrian copy adds, “and pleasures”; that is, sinful ones; though this may be understood, not of unclean lusts, but of the itch and desire after new teachers, and new doctrines, and practices, which prevail in weak women, and by which they are governed and led away.
Any thoughts on this verse?
2Ti 3:7 These women always want to learn something new, but they never can discover the truth.
Ever learning — Seeking by various human philosophies, which ignore or pervert the Word of God. Devouring one error after another to feed their curiosity, deluding themselves, supposing they are feeding upon truth.
Some new notion and practice or another: and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth; partly because of the teachers, which they heap up to themselves, who are unapt to teach, are blind and ignorant guides, and know not the truth, but are enemies to it, and resist it; and partly because of themselves, the sins they are laden, and the lusts they are led away with, which hinder them from coming to the knowledge of the truth.
Never able — Not rooted and grounded in faith. “Carried about with every wind of doctrine.” (Eph_4:14)
“If ye continue in my Word ye shall know the truth.” (Joh_8:31-32)
There are many professors of Christianity still who answer the above description. They hear, repeatedly hear, it may be, good sermons; but, as they seldom meditate on what they hear, they derive little profit from the ordinances of God. They have no more grace now than they had several years ago, though hearing all the while, and perhaps not wickedly departing from the Lord. They do not meditate, they do not think, they do not reduce what they hear to practice; therefore, even under the preaching of an apostle, they could not become wise to salvation.
Would an example of this be those that teach only one aspect of the Bible, while neglecting character development and obedience to God?
Would an example of this be those who have TV ministries named after themselves and only preach motivational and prosperity and leave out the weightier matters?
What examples can you think of that might fit what the Apostle Paul is talking about?
2Ti 3:8 Just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, these people are enemies of the truth. Their minds are sick, and their faith isn’t real.
Jannes and Jambres — Pharaoh’s magicians.
Withstood Moses — They opposed Moses by doing something similar to what he did, thus confusing the people.
So do these also — Types of theologians of today. Satan seeks to draw attention from the truth by counterfeiting it.
Of corrupt minds — Corrupted or turned aside from the truth. Of bad principles, holding antichristian tenets, derogatory to the grace of God, and glory of Christ; giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; like Jannes and Jambres, who were given to magic arts, and were under the influence of Satan:
Concerning the faith — The apostle did not say reprobate as respects morals, but reprobate as respects the faith.
Men of no judgment in the doctrine of faith; who have not their senses exercised to discern good and evil, to try things that differ, and approve the more excellent, but call good evil, and evil good: or as those who are disobedient and wicked in their lives, are said to be to every good work reprobate, Tit_1:16 so these are said to be reprobate to the faith; that is, to have no liking of it, or value for it, but despise it, hate it, and reject it; and upon that account, as they are like reprobate silver, whom God has rejected, they ought to be rejected by men.
2Ti 3:9 But they won’t get very far with their foolishness. Soon everyone will know the truth about them, just as Jannes and Jambres were found out.
They may proceed to more ungodliness, and wax worse and worse in error; but they shall proceed no further than the magicians of Egypt, who did lying wonders, hardened Pharaoh’s heart, and deceived him and the Egyptians; but could not destroy the Israelites, nor hinder their departure out of Egypt, when their time was come: so these wicked men do false miracles but they cannot deceive the elect of God.
For their folly should be manifest unto all men, as theirs also was; as the folly of Jannes and Jambres was, when Aaron’s rod devoured theirs; and when they could not produce lice, but was obliged to own to Pharaoh, that that plague was the finger of God; and when they could not stand before Moses, because of the boils that were upon them, Exo_7:12.
The Alexandrian copy reads, “their understanding”; that which they pretended to have of divine things.
As the Scriptures, which are the only rule of morals and doctrine, shall ever be preserved; so, sooner or later, all false doctrines shall be tried by them: and the folly of men, setting up their wisdom against the wisdom of God, must become manifest to all. False doctrine cannot prevail long where the sacred Scriptures are read and studied. Error prevails only where the book of God is withheld from the people. The religion that fears the Bible is not the religion of God. Is Popery or Protestantism this religion?
2Ti 3:10 Timothy, you know what I teach and how I live. You know what I want to do and what I believe. You have seen how patient and loving I am, and how in the past I put up with
KJV 2Ti 3:10 But thou hast fully known my doctrine, manner of life, purpose, faith, longsuffering, charity, patience,
For the imitation and encouragement of Timothy, and of others, whether ministers or private believers: the apostle calls the doctrine he delivered, “my doctrine”: not because he was the author of it but because it was the doctrine which he had received from God, which was given him to preach, and which he did preach purely and faithfully; otherwise it was the doctrine of Christ, and the same with that which was preached by the rest of the apostles; and which was the doctrine of the Scriptures, and was according to godliness; and as preached by him, without any adulteration, or mixture, and was open and manifest, and well known to Timothy, and others; for he used no hidden things of dishonesty, nor did he conceal his principles, or keep back anything that was profitable. And as well known was his
manner of life; both his civil life, how he spent his time, not in ease and idleness, but oftentimes in labour with his own hands; nor did he live in a sensual and excessive manner, but frequently was in hunger, and thirst, and nakedness; and likewise his religious life, and conversation, not only in the church, which was spent in the ministry of the word, and ordinances; but in the world, which, by the grace of God, was in simplicity and godly sincerity, in a very just, holy, and unblamable manner: his life was agreeable to his doctrine, and to his profession: and even the secrets of his mind, his views, his aims and ends in all he did, which are signified by his
purpose, were open and manifest; and which were not to obtain glory and applause from men, nor to gather wealth and riches for himself; but that God might be glorified in the salvation of men; that Christ might be magnified both in his life and death; that his Gospel might be spread, and hence he became all things to all, that he might gain some. And as the doctrine of
faith, embraced, professed, and preached by him, was well known, so no less conspicuous was the grace of faith in him, with respect to his interest in God’s everlasting love.
Unless rather his faithfulness in the discharge of his ministerial work should be here designed, for which he was very remarkable; as also for his
longsuffering both towards those that were without, the open enemies and persecutors of the Gospel, and towards them that were within, the brethren, whose infirmities he bore; and also for the success of the Gospel as the husbandman has long patience, and waits long for the former and latter rain to which is added
charity; which suffers long, and is kind; and may include his love to God, to Christ, and to men; which was very great, and particularly to his countrymen, the Jews, and also to the Gentiles; and especially to the churches he was more immediately concerned with, and even to all the saints: this is left out in the Alexandrian copy: it follows,
patience; in bearing all indignities, reproaches, afflictions, and persecutions, for the sake of Christ and his Gospel; by which he was not in the least moved, but persevered with, great courage and constancy to the end.
The final test of patient, cheerful endurance must be passed before we can be accepted of the Lord as members of the very elect.
The Apostle Paul’s life was an open book, and every page was full of God. Is that what is on the pages of our book?
Is your life consistent with our beliefs and doctrines? If not, what changes will you make to get them in harmony?
What is your “purpose”? Is it for “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”?
Love and patience go hand in hand, if you love someone you are patient with them—how is your patience with your family? Brethren? Co-workers? Bad drivers?
How do you develop the love that is needed to bring forth patience?
2Ti 3:11persecutions and suffering in the cities of Antioch, Iconium, and Lystra. Yet the Lord rescued me from all those terrible troubles.
In Pisidia; where the Jews that contradicted and blasphemed his doctrine, and envied his success, stirred up the chief of the city, both men and women, against him, and Barnabas. The persecuted them and expelled them out, of their coasts, Act_13:45 and also at Iconium; where both Jews and Gentiles made an assault upon them, to use them ill, and stone them, Act_14:5 and likewise at Lystra; where the apostle was stoned, and drawn out of the city, and left for dead, Act_14:19. And these instances are the rather mentioned because they were done in those parts, where Timothy had lived, Act_16:1 and so knew the truth of these things, not only from the apostle’s mouth, but from the testimonies of others; and perhaps he might have been a witness to some of them himself;
what persecutions I endured: not only in the above places, but elsewhere; see a detail of them in 2Co_11:23,
but out of them all the Lord delivered me; see 2Co_1:10 2Ti_4:17, this he says to the glory of the grace and power of God, to whom he ascribes all his deliverances; and for the encouragement of Timothy, and other saints, under sufferings, who may hope and believe that the Lord will deliver them in his own time and way, Psa_34:19.
Are you being persecuted?
Are you longsuffering about it? Are you patiently waiting for the Lord to deliver you or are you taking matters into your own hands?
2Ti 3:12 Anyone who belongs to Christ Jesus and wants to live right will have trouble from others.
(ESV) Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted,
Live to please God. To live in opposition to the course of the world and of our own flesh–actuated by the principles of righteousness. Living righteously, in sympathy with Christ Jesus–faithful even to the laying down of life itself. They see more clearly the principles of God’s justice by which their lives are governed. These should not be the cause of suffering to others. By letting our lights shine faithfully, we shall bring upon ourselves persecution.
To live godly means not merely to abstain from vicious and overt sin, but to be a hero in the strife–a defender of the right and an opposer of the wrong–a servant of righteousness, a soldier of the cross. We must go in the opposite direction to that of the world. These should expect from the world opposition, misrepresentation, slander, opposition of every kind.
Under present conditions faithfulness means faithfulness even unto death. There is no other way to enter the Kingdom than by self-sacrifice, deadening of the flesh. The heavenly things are to be attained only by those who sacrifice earthly things.
In Christ Jesus — Members of his mystical body. These have an intelligent knowledge that they have entered into a covenant of sacrifice. They are not in Christ because they were baptized as a baby or because their parents were—to be in Christ you must make a conscience declaration yourself of devotion and commitment to God through Christ. They must uphold the principles of righteousness, and not compromise with sin, nor with the world.
Shall suffer — In this life. “Because ye are not of the world.” (Joh_15:19) God allows his people to suffer for right-doing. God permits the church to suffer in order to develop and crystallize character.
“If any man suffer as a Christian, let him not be ashamed.” (1Pe_4:16) The promised blessings of the Scriptures are to these.
The sufferings which we bring on ourselves through faithfulness to our covenant. Our physical infirmities which are of heredity are not sufferings of Christ. No one could suffer as a Christian unless he had become a Christian. If suffering should come upon us justly for our faults, we could not glory in it, but rather be ashamed.
Persecution — Be misunderstood; slandered. Evil speaking, etc. There is no exception to this rule.
In a Christian’s own home and family, or in the church, or from the world; he will not escape if he is faithful. Even from an opposing world and from false brethren arising in the midst of God’s people. Because the world is traveling in the opposite direction to righteousness–in the way of selfishness and gratification of the flesh.
Nine-tenths of Jesus’ persecutions came from professors of religion. We cannot be members of the same body and persecute each other.
If any of us is escaping persecution, he should feel fearful of his condition and make careful examination as to whether or not he is faithful to all the privileges and opportunities he can find.
The Lord’s followers in the present time are called to suffer persecution for righteousness’ sake, not because it is either reasonable or proper, but because the Lord, wishing to test, prove, and polish his people, is willing to permit the evil. If we know that we are suffering for righteousness’ sake, then we know the spirit of God rests upon us.
“They shall say all manner of evil against you falsely.” (Mat_5:11)
Through many tribulations his people must enter the kingdom; and this is the common lot and certain case of all the saints, in one shape or another; for though all do not suffer confiscation of goods, beating, scourging, imprisonment, or a violent death; yet all are more or less afflicted and distressed by wicked men, and are subject to their reproaches and revilings, which are a branch of persecution; and that for professing Christ.
Are you willing to bear the hatred and scorn, which loyalty to the truth brings?
2Ti 3:13 But evil people who pretend to be what they are not will become worse than ever, as they fool others and are fooled themselves.
(ERV) People who are evil and cheat others will become worse and worse. They will fool others, but they will also be fooling themselves.
But evil men — In the Church.
Wax worse and worse — Waxing more and more bold and aggressive as they receive encouragement from that rapidly increasing class that will no longer endure sound doctrine.
Deceiving — Gentle manners may be exercised by a selfish heart, deceiving itself and seeking to deceive others. They do deceive by their good words and fair speeches, and by their show of devotion and religion, and by their pretended miracles and lying wonders:
Being deceived — There is such a thing as deceiving one’s self by repeating a sentiment until one believes it.
A man may deceive himself, but he cannot deceive God. Becoming more and more firmly entrenched in the snares of their own weaving, so as to make it impossible to extricate them.
But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse,…. By “evil men” are meant, not sinful men in common, as all are by nature and practice; nor only open profane sinners but rather wicked men under a form of godliness, as before; and who are full of wickedness and malice against truly godly persons, even as the devil himself, of whom the same word is used, when he is called the wicked one; and this is a reason why true professors of religion must expect persecution, seeing as there ever were, so there ever will be such sort of men, who will not grow better, but worse and worse. The word for “seducers”, signifies sorcerers, enchanters, a sort of jugglers; and as the other, it well suits with the ecclesiastics of the church of Rome, who pretend to miracles, and do lying wonders, and by their sorceries deceive all nations, Rev_18:23 and these “shall wax worse and worse”; in principle and in practice, in ungodliness, and in error, in wickedness and malice against the saints, and in the arts of deceiving; so the church of Rome is never to be expected to be better, but worse; at the time of the fall of Babylon she will be an habitation of devils, the hold of every foul spirit, and the cage of every unclean and hateful bird, Rev_18:2
2Ti 3:14 Keep on being faithful to what you were taught and to what you believed. After all, you know who taught you these things.
That is, in the doctrines of the Gospel, and not be moved away from them, either through the malice or persecutions, or the cunning sleight of men that lie in wait to deceive; and which is an exhortation suitable to the godly in all ages: and what follow are so many reasons enforcing it:
which thou hast learned: not merely in a theoretical way, as arts and sciences are learned, but in a spiritual and experimental manner; a comfortable knowledge and experience of which he had attained unto; and were not like those in 2Ti_3:7, who had been ever learning, and yet could not come to the knowledge of the truth: and since therefore he had learned the truths of the Gospel, and had attained to a good understanding of them, it was his duty, as it is the duty of all such, to abide by them.
Scepticism is very unbecoming one that calls himself a minister of the Gospel; and when a man is assured of the truth and reality of Gospel doctrines, it would be shameful in him to drop them, or depart from them:
knowing of whom thou hast learned them. The apostle means himself, though he modestly forbears the mention of himself: and it is another argument why Timothy should continue steadfastly in the doctrines of the Gospel, seeing he had learned them of so great an apostle of Christ; whose mission, as such, was abundantly confirmed by miracles and success, and who had received these doctrines by immediate revelation from Christ; so that it was all one as if Timothy had learned them from Christ himself. The Alexandrian copy reads the word “whom”, in the plural number, as if the apostle referred to more teachers of Timothy than himself; however, he doubtless was the principal one.
What doctrines are you immovable on?
Do you know why you believe what you believe?
Can you support your believe by a “Thus saith the Lord”?
If you cannot, you are on shaky ground and open yourself up to the deception of those mentioned previously.
2Ti 3:15 Since childhood, you have known the Holy Scriptures that are able to make you wise enough to have faith in Christ Jesus and be saved.
Timothy’s mother being a Jewess, trained him up early in the knowledge of these writings, with which he became very conversant, and under divine influence and assistance, arrived to a large understanding of them; and it is a practice that highly becomes Christian parents; it is one part of the nurture and admonition of the Lord they should bring up their children in: the wise man’s advice in Pro_22:6 is very good. Paul was also endowed from his birth and was zealous toward God long before his conversion from Judaism to Christianity.
Holy Scriptures — Referred chiefly to the Old Testament, since the New Testament was not yet completed. These writings collectively were termed “The Law and the Prophets,” and the Hebrews were taught of God to esteem them of divine authority and authorship.
Search the Scriptures daily and critically and abandon everything which conflicts therewith. The elect have been receiving their education by giving themselves wholly to studying the Scriptures of truth, and were being led into all truth by the spirit of truth. A very large majority of Christians have never searched the Scriptures which are able to make them wise.
We must have reverence for Christ Jesus and obey him to the extent of our ability, else there can be no salvation. Men are not wise of themselves; they are naturally without an understanding of spiritual things; and the things of the Spirit of God cannot be known by natural men, because they are spiritually discerned.
The Scriptures remove the veil from their eyes, opens their understandings, and gives them light and knowledge in them: and then may persons be said to be wise unto salvation, when they not only have a plan of it in their heads, but are in their hearts sensible of their need of it, and know that there is salvation in no other but in Christ; and when they look to him for it, to his righteousness for justification, to his blood for peace, pardon, and cleansing, to his sacrifice for atonement, and to his fulness of grace for a continual supply, and to him for eternal life and glory; when they rejoice in him and his salvation, and give him all the glory of it: the apostle adds,
through faith which is in Christ Jesus: wisdom to salvation lies not in the knowledge of the law the Jew boasted of; nor in the works of it, at least not in a trust and confidence in them for salvation; for by them there is no justification before God, nor acceptance with him, nor salvation: but true wisdom to salvation lies in faith, which is a spiritual knowledge of Christ, and a confidence in him; and that salvation which the Scriptures make men wise unto, is received and enjoyed through that faith, which has Christ for its author and object; which comes from him, and centres in him, and is a looking to him for eternal life.
If you are a parent, are you teaching your Children the plan God? Are you sharing your hopes with them?
Do you believe that salvation only comes through Christ?
Are you a living example of a Christian every day of the week? Or just on Sundays?
2Ti 3:16 Everything in the Scriptures is God’s Word. All of it is useful for teaching and helping people and for correcting them and showing them how to live.
(KJV) All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
All scripture — The teachings of Jesus, the apostles and the prophets–the only inspired authorities. The Word of God which liveth and abideth forever. The Bible is the most wonderful book in existence. The Old and the New Testaments form a perfect guide to faith.
By inspiration of God — Those men were, in some way, inspired by, or brought under the influence of God; so as to be used by Him in speaking or writing such words as He wished to have expressed.
We need no further doctrinal utterances; no more apostles than the original twelve–Paul taking Judas’ place. That there would be some who mistakenly would claim to be apostles, the Lord Jesus clearly indicated, declaring that there would be false apostles, “who say that they are apostles and are not.” (Rev_2:2)
Their harmony and agreement, though wrote by different persons, in different places, and ages, and at sundry times, and in divers manners; what seeming inconsistencies are observed in them may, with labor and industry, by divine assistance, be reconciled. The predictions of future events in them, as particularly concerning Josiah and Cyrus, by name, long before they were born, and especially concerning Jesus Christ, and which have had their accomplishment, and many others in the New Testament both by Christ and his apostles, are a proof that they could not be the writings of men, but must have the omniscient God for their author; the impartiality of the writers of them, in not concealing the mean extract of some of them, the sins of others before conversion, and even their sins and failings afterwards, as well as those of their nearest relations and dearest friends, strengthens the proof of their divine authority; to which may be added, the wonderful preservation of them.
The decisions of the councils of the Dark Ages are injurious in proportion as they are out of alignment with the words of Jesus and the apostles.
And is profitable — Sufficient. They are in error who think that the sanctifying work can go on better without the truth than with it.
For doctrine — Theological instruction. Containing the full statement of the divine plan; and no human authority is competent to add thereto.
for reproof; of errors and heresies; this is the sword of the Spirit, which cuts all down. There never was, nor is, nor can be any error or heresy broached in the world, but there is a sufficient refutation of it in the Scriptures; which may be profitably used for that purpose, as it often has been by Christ and his apostles, and others since in all ages:
For correction — Literally, to bring up and establish one in the right.
For instruction — For holy living. All the instruction which we receive from the Lord comes to us through the written Word.
The Scriptures are a perfect rule of faith and practice; and thus they are commended from the usefulness and profitableness of them.
Do you believe this verse?
Do you use God’s Word as a guide book for daily living?
Are you making a study of all of God’s Word? (Both Old and New Testaments)?
2Ti 3:17 The Scriptures train God’s servants to do all kinds of good deeds.
(ERV) Using the Scriptures, those who serve God will be prepared and will have everything they need to do every good work.
Perfectly informed. Perfected in knowledge and conduct. Complete. The design of the Scriptures and the end of writing them are, that both preachers of the word, and hearers of it, might have a perfect knowledge of the will of God; that the former might be a complete minister of the Gospel, and that nothing might be wanting for the information of the latter.
“Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.” (Mat_5:48) Perfect in heart, in character, in will; not in the flesh.
Greek, “thoroughly perfected,” and so “perfect.” The man of God is perfectly equipped out of Scripture for his work, whether he be a minister (compare 2Ti_4:2 with 2Ti_3:16) or a spiritual layman. No oral tradition is needed to be added. We are continually urged to search the Scriptures, that we may know the will, the counsel of God.
God’s times and seasons are given in such a way as to be convincing only to those who, by acquaintance with God, are able to recognize His characteristic methods.
Unto all good works — By the knowledge of the Word of God. The information given us is for the purpose that we may impart it to others.
“The Spirit shall guide you into all truth.” (Joh_16:13)