Behold the Bridegroom! Go Ye Out to Meet Him!

Putting Study into Practice

Although many believers attend Bible studies for purposes of doctrinal instruction, encouragement, fellowship, and sharing Christian experiences, the manner in which these benefits of worshiping together are applied in one’s daily conduct and activities determines the fruitage, as well as Christlike character. “Those things, which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do: and the God of peace shall be with you” (Philippians 4:9).

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THE subject of this lesson is one worthy of the most careful and prayerful consideration of every child of God, and especially of all those who are in any way tempted to ambition and rivalry or vain glory in the Lord's service. While the humility of the Lord's apostles is very marked in their subsequent career, in the beginning of their course they were all to some extent influenced by old ideas which it was the object of Christ's teaching gradually to eradicate.

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The Blood of Christ

The more enlightened we become in regard to God's plan of the ages, the more fully we can understand the wonderful love of God manifested in the gift of Jesus Christ. God does nothing without a reason, and only as we understand the reason can we rightly value what He does. So we come nearer to the true estimate of the blood of Christ as we understand why he shed His blood and the nature of the results to be obtained.

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Mark Chapter 4

Mark 4:1 MKJV  And He began again to teach by the seaside. And there was a great crowd gathered to Him, so that He entered into a boat and sat in the sea. And the whole crowd was on the land by the seaside. The foregoing chapter began with Christ’s entering into the synagogue (Mar_4:1); this chapter begins

Mark Chapter 3

Mark 3:1 MKJV  And He again entered into the synagogue. And a man was there who had a withered hand. Perhaps in Capernaum, where he had before cast out the unclean spirit; but not on the same day, nor on that day he had had the debate with the Pharisees, about his disciples plucking the ears

Mark Chapter 2

Mar 2:1  And again He entered into Capernaum after some days. And it was heard that He was in a house. In Mark 1, Jesus spent a busy day in Capernaum, and then went on a preaching tour all around the cities of Galilee. Now he returns to the fishing town right on the shores of the Sea of Galilee, where

Mark Chapter 1

Mark 1:1 MKJV  The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God: When Bible translators go to a people who have never had the Scriptures in their own language, they usually begin by translating the Gospel of Mark. Mark is the most translated book in all the world. One reason is because it is the